iOS 14 Update – Here’s Everything You Should Know

iOS 14 update - everything you should know | goodish

By now you’ve must have heard about the latest iOS 14 update. If you’re curious how to get iOS 14, how it will affect your tracking and how you can get prepared to tackle this update head on, keep on reading!

What Changes Can We Expect with the iOS 14 Update?

Before this update rolled out every app automatically tracked your personal information, browsing history, location etc. If you wanted to block a certain app from collecting this data it was purposely made very hard to find, you had to dig deep in your settings and turn off the access for the app in question. This has changed with the iOS 14 update; the user has to now agree to data tracking by the specific app.

Before we go into discussing bad news, here’s some good news like the fact that your Google Analytics will not be affected by the newest iOS update. This is because Google Analytics is a first party cookie, while the changes that iOS brings are mainly focused on third party cookies and apps.

We belive that one way of how advertisers will adapt to this change is to have more branding, educational campaigns, video campaigns etc. within their platform trying to attract more visitors organically, and have less campaigns based on actual users. Another thing we expect to happen is a raise in the cost of campaigns, since there will be less so called “real estate” to advertise on and identical demand.

3 things You Need to do to transition successfully

Facebook already posted some information on what marketers can to do get prepared. The 3 main things you need to do as soon as possible is to first verify your domain, a simple but important process. The next thing you need to do is to connect your facebook to conversional events because in this update you are only allowed to have 8 conversional events, any more than that, will be automatically be stopped when this update goes live. And finally, update the attribution window.

At the end of the day privacy concerns will become increasingly more important and we, as business managers and digital marketers simply have to adapt. This Apple iOS 14 however also brings new opportunities for businesses who are willing to learn and react quickly to new industry updates.

If you need some help successfully updating your tracking, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Goodish, your designated SaaS digital marketing agency!

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